What can we do if silver jewelry has no luster?
2018-07-11 15:48:05

When wear silver jewelry long, It is hard to avoid not so shiny as when you bought. Because the silver on the surface is oxidized. We can use toothpaste to wash it.Because toothpaste contains fine grinding materials.When the silver jewelry are oxidized and turns black or yellow, use toothpaste to clean. The silver particles in toothpaste will wear off frosted oxide layer on the surface, make silver jewelry recover bright and white.

1.Prepare some silver jewelry to be washed, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

2.Squeeze the toothpaste on the wet toothbrush.

3. Brush the silver jewelry with a toothbrush for a few minutes.

4. Wash the painted silver in water.

5. Drain the silver jewelry with a paper towel.

6. The silver is like new after being washed.

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